For the Quality of education, this master degree provides a self-evalutation group (GdR - "Gruppo di Riesame", i.e., Review Group). This group is a committee composed by four professors and one delegate of the student part, and its mission is the self-evaluation of the educational offer of the Master Degree course. This group prepares annually a self-evaluation report.
Maria Elvira Mancino (President), Sara De Masi, Claudio Giannozzi, Giacomo Scandolo, Blerina Lleshi (students delegate)
General information on the Quality of the education of the University (UniFi link, in Italian)
Moreover, within the School of Economics and Management, the Joint Teachers-Students Committee (Commissione Paritetica Docenti-Studenti - CPDS) has the task to monitor the School educational offer, the quality of teaching, and the services available to students.
In order to have more information about the UniFI structures created to monitor and guarantee the quality of the University, you can check the UniFi web site:
Other useful links and information
Scheda Unica Annuale dei Corsi di Studio (UniFi link, in Italian)
These forms are available on this external link (in Italian).