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Self-evaluation of course quality

For the Quality of education, this master degree provides a self-evalutation group (GdR - "Gruppo di Riesame", i.e., Review Group). This group is a committee composed by four professors and one delegate of the student part, and its mission is the self-evaluation of the educational offer of the Master Degree course. This group prepares annually a self-evaluation report.

  • Review Group - Members

Maria Elvira Mancino (President), Sara De Masi, Claudio Giannozzi, Giacomo Scandolo, Blerina Lleshi (students delegate)

  • Review Reports
  • Cyclical review report 2017 (pdf, in Italian)
  • Cyclical review report 2016 (pdf, in Italian)
  • Annual review report 2016 (pdf, in Italian)
  • Annual review report 2015 (pdf, in Italian)
  • Annual review report 2014 (pdf, in Italian)
  • Annual review report 2013 (pdf, in Italian)


Moreover, within the School of Economics and Management, the Joint Teachers-Students Committee (Commissione Paritetica Docenti-Studenti - CPDS) has the task to monitor the School educational offer, the quality of teaching, and the services available to students.

  • Commissione Paritetica docenti-studenti (link to the School of Economics and Management: Italian; English)


In order to have more information about the UniFI structures created to monitor and guarantee the quality of the University, you can check the UniFi web site:


Other useful links and information




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