May 11, 2022 - 3:50 pm – 5:10 pm
Room D6/0.13
Domenico Vinci – Head of PMO & Deals Execution
Mattia Lotti –PMO & Deals Execution
Elisa Bertini - PMO & Deals Execution
Download here the invitation!
Former FIRM students will present you their current job activities and they will help you in finding your appropriate future career path!
Guest Lecture Dr Matteo Lombardo followed by short speeches from FIRM former students:
Simone Biondi (UnipolSai Assicurazioni), Alexey Kravets (Aviva), Matteo Del Bimbo (Deloitte Financial Advisory), Floris Lo Iacono (Ferragamo), Cosimo Zangari (Societè Generale), Diego Landi (Baker Hughes), Filippo Baroncelli (Edison SpA), Mattia Lotti (Banca IFIS), Alessio Frosini (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
November 8, 2019 - 14-18.00 - D6/105 - Dr Francesco Nisi:
IFRS 9, Stress testing, ICAAP: a comprehensive framework for PD calculation
November 15, 2019 - 10-14.00 – D6/105 - Dr Mattia Raudaschl:
Managing financial risks in the banking industry through an active ALM & Treasury approach
November 22, 2019 - 14-18.00 – D15/204 - Dr Selene Comolli:
An economic capital measurement approach for commercial banks.
5 students are selected as finalists (Congrats!) and they will present their equity report to the judges on
May 27, 2020 at 3.00PM
The event will be held via Google Meet at the following address:
The judges (Dr Matteo Lombardo (CFA), Dr Simone Biondi -Firm alumnus, financial analysists) will select the winner of the competition
Vice Capo del Servizio Supervisione mercati e sistema dei pagamenti,
Banca d’Italia
The supervision on markets and payment systems
- Ongoing innovations and role of the central bank -
Tuesday, 7th May Room D6 004
Prof. S.Scotti (Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7)
Title: Don't panic, but if you panic, panic first! Self-exciting feature in Finance
Abstract: The analysis of financial markets, along with the study of related economic time series, represents an increasing field of research and development of effective applications, from the stochastic processes, as well as from the statistic and computational point of views. We will specialize our analysis on a particular feature of financial markets, namely the existence of jumps' cluster.
From a mathematical point-of-view, we will first introduce Poisson processes and then Hawkes processes. We will show that the self-exciting structure of Hawkes processes can easily explain some features exhibited by financial data. We will also introduce the branching processes (CBI) showing that they can be seen as a natural extension of Hawkes processes. We will show that this class of models has very nice properties from computational as well as from analytical point of view, particularly by exploiting the Dawson-Li representation.
"How to find a suitable stochastic volatility model?"
Abstract In order to construct models that allow us to describe the complexity of real market data, it is important to develop tools that allow us to identify the class of models that are able to generate the desired behavior. In this talk, we will see how several properties of the implied volatility surface can be 'translated' into properties of the Malliavin derivative of the corresponding stochastic volatility model. This will give us a tool to identify the class of models that can reproduce these properties. In particular, we will see that the observed blowup of the ATM implied volatility skew can be described by fractional volatilities with Hurst parameter $H<1/2$. This observation has lead to the recent development of rough volatility models
Risk management for sovereign financing within a debt sustainability framework
Abstract: "The mix of instruments used to finance a sovereign is a key determinant of debt sustainability through its effect on funding costs and risks. We extend standard debt sustainability analysis to incorporate debt-financing decisions in the presence of macroeconomic, financial, and fiscal risks. We optimize the maturity of debt instruments to trade off borrowing costs with refinancing risk. Risk is quantified with a coherent measure of tail risk of financing needs, conditional Flow-at-Risk. A constraint on the pace of reduction of debt stocks is also imposed, and we model the effect of debt stocks on the yield curve through endogenous risk and term premia.
On a simulated economy, we show that the cost-risk and flow-stock trade-offs embedded in issuance decisions are key determinants of the evolution of debt dynamics and are economically significant. Comparing three alternative optimizing strategies and some simple fixed-issuance rules, we also draw lessons on when and why optimizing matters the most. This depends on the risk tolerance level, the size, cost, and maturity of legacy debt, and the sensitivity of interest rates to debt.
Our model quantifies thresholds for the minimum level of refinancing risks and the maximum pace of debt reduction that a sovereign could reach given its economic fundamentals. Going beyond those thresholds is only feasible through adjustments of gross financing needs, and an extension of the baseline model identifies the hot spots for these adjustments, computing their minimum size and optimal timing. Our findings inform policy decisions concerning both official sector borrowing and public finance, with a focus not only on minimizing interest payments but also on managing refinancing risks and increasing debt dynamics."
November 7, 2018 - time 14.30-18.30 – room D6/011
Mattia Raudaschl – Manager, Prometeia
“Managing financial risks in the banking industry. The role of internal transfer rate”
November 14, 2018 - time 14.30-18.30 – room D6/011
Stefano Barozzi – Manager, Prometeia
“Managing liquidity risk in the banking industry”
November 21, 2018 - time 14.30-18.30 – room D6/011
Pierpaolo Bissoli - Senior Manager, Prometeia
“Credit risk Management, macro-prudential policies and IFRS9”
Inaugural Lectures MSc in Finance and Risk Management - School of Economics and Management Academic Year 2018/2019
15.30 Prof. Dr. Pablo Koch-Medina, Professor of Finance and Insurance
Director Center for Finance and Insurance, University of Zurich
Title: Why finance matters in insurance?
16.30 Dr. Luca Fiammengo, Senior Partner Prometeia
Title: Risk, Wealth and Performance Management
17.30-17.45 Coffee Break
17.45 Dr. Elisa Letizia, Phd trainee ECB - Phd candidate SNS
Title: Opportunities for master students & graduates at the ECB
18.15 Dr. Daniele Tantari, Scuola Normale Superiore
Title: Macroscopic Structures in Financial Networks
At the end, enjoy our
FiRM-Alumni Meeting Aperitif at College House
when you will meet also our past students.
Guest Speaker: Pietro Faraguna (post-doc Luiss Guido Carli University)
Azimut Capital Management SGR Spa excellence in asset management,
wealth planning and corporate advisory will present its company and projects
to the students of MSc in FIRM
10.00 a.m. r oom D4/009
Interviews for executive assistant will be also possible. See the flyer in attachment for further information.
10.00-13.00 Room D5-110
Financial Analysis and Effficient Markets
12.00-14.00 Room D6-006
Information Economics Applied to Financial Markets
IPython notebooks (now Jupyter notebooks) have been created at Berkeley 5 years ago and are now ubiquitous in data science. They allow to mix scientific markup and code to create executable documents, and to share and disseminate reproducible pieces of research. Notebooks are ideal for student projects and collaboration within a research group. In this talk I will illustrate the whole potential of notebooks and I will show their usage at my fintech company, Zeliade Systems, where we have designed the Zanadu notebooks platform in particular to promote notebooks based collaboration between academic labs and the industry.
October 21, 2015
Lecture 1 : A framework for understanding financial bubbles and crises
October 28, 2015
Lecture 2 : Markowitz was wrong! Dealing with risk
November 4, 2015
Lecture 3 : Applying financial theory to investment management: a practitioner's view
November 11, 2015
Lecture 4 : Improving the investment process: lessons from behavioural finance
All Lectures : 4.15-5.45 p.m.
venue Room D6/006
May 7 : Numerical Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps in Finance
10.00-12.00 Room D6/105
May 8 : A Benchmark Approach to Finance
10.00-12.00 Room D6/013
May 5 : Financial Analysis and Efficient Markets
12.00-14.00 Room D6/006
May 6 : Information Economics applied to Financial Markets
12.00-14.00 and 14.00-16.00 Room D6/102