Graduates from the first level of the BA (undergraduate) degree program in Management (L-18 Scienze dell'Economia e Gestione Aziendale), Economics (L-33 Scienze Economiche), Statistics (L-41 Statistica), Mathematics (L-35 Scienze Matematiche), Computer Sciences (L-31 Scienze e Tecnologie Informatiche), Physics (L-30 Scienze e Tecnologie Fisiche) at the University of Florence and graduates from other universities are eligible to apply with an undergraduate degree mark above 99/110. Graduates not in these categories should read the admission requirements specified in the MsC Regolamento Art. 3.
- Students holding a Bachelor awarded by a foreign Institution
Applicants for this program should have achieved a First Class or High Second Class (Upper Division) degree or an equivalent international qualification in their country.
Access is granted after approval by the Education Committee of the course, to whom all information of regarding the candidate's academic curriculum and previous skills must be submitted.
In order to enroll, you must:
Students holding a Bachelor awarded by an Italian Institution
Submit the application form (pdf) for assessment by the online services for students.
Students holding a Bachelor awarded by a foreign Institution
You must apply exclusively through the portal DreamApply, by the deadline published on the platform itself. Applications for degrees not yet earned will not be considered.
If you are an international student, you can obtain further information in the dedicated page
The master course requires preliminary knowledge on the following topics:
You can find further details on this on this page.