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International Students

You can download the official brochure here (0.98Mb).

Admission requirements

The candidates for the MSc in Finance and Risk Management must prove a strong knowledge of mathematics, statistics and social sciences as well as some familiarity with information technology and data analysis software.

Applicants for this program should have achieved a First Class or High Second Class (Upper Division) degree or an equivalent international qualification in their country.

An assessment online test may be required. In such a case, you would be directly contacted.


Admission procedures

There are two different types of foreign students, depending on their country of residence. The main difference between EU/EU-levelled students and non-EU ones living abroad concerns the need for pre-enrolment with all entry visa procedures clearance that non-EU students must follow. 

Moreover, EU and EU-levelled future students are not required to sit for the Italian language test and should enrol at the Student Administration Office (Segreteria Studenti) of the School of choice, whereas non-EU students enrol via the Foreign International Desk.

At the time of enrolment students must pay the first instalment of fees and charges. For detailed information please refer to the Manifesto degli Studi (in Italian), the official source of all relevant information about studying at the University of Florence.

Further information can be found here.

Grants Opportunity for Studying in Italy


Erasmus students

Information for Erasmus students is available here.


Housing information




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